Inner Beauty Hair & Nail Booster (60 pc.)
Lieferung:14.03 - 18.03
Kostenloser Versand
Inner Beauty Hair & Nail Booster (60 pc.)
For the Inner Beauty Hair & Nail Booster Dr. Stefan Duve has combined highly effective natural active ingredients: Millet, silicon and silica strengthen the structure of hair and nails and promote their growth. The high cysteine content provides elasticity, strength and shine. Also contained in the capsules: Biotin, pantothenic acid (B5), zinc, selenium and vitamin B6, which are essential for the supply of the hair root tissue. Innovative: the combination with copper, which ensures an even pigmentation of the hair and delays greying. As the body's own supply of nutrients diminishes with age, this is a must-have for women and men over 40.
Take two capsules daily with a little water, preferably in the morning. Thanks to its excellent tolerance, the Inner Beauty Hair & Nail Booster can be taken over a longer period of time. For an optimal result a cure treatment of three months is recommended. Suitable for both vegans and diabetics.
Tip from Dr. Stefan Duve
"With the right diet, we can do good things to our hair and nails. It doesn't have to be exotic superfoods: lentils with their high content of protein, minerals and vitamins of the B-group as well as oat flakes (high zinc content) can be highly effective".
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